Finn Kenah

Recycle Regatta

The boat race to end all boat races

The Recycle Regatta is working towards improving the lives of our young people and our crew is all in!

We have a BIG GOAL.

Provide the TEEN Mental Health First Aid Program to every secondary student in the Bayside area.

Your support of our boat crew helps teach high school students in Years 7-9 and 10-12, how to provide mental health first aid to their friends.

I'd love your support in helping us reach this goal!

Thank you

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

Construction is underway

Sunday 25th Feb
Finn and Aaron have been busy cutting cardboard and glueing layers together. Lead engineer Aaron has come up with a robust design using knowledge gained from building model aeroplanes as a teenager. We won’t know if this design will float or sink until race day. The boat’s name is inspired by Finn’s favourite animal - crocodiles!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sue And Ron Angus

Hope you don’t need to abandon the ship! Love Grandma and Grumps


Vicki Angus


Harvey & Maeva

Go Croc Cruiser! Love the Reids xxxx


Leanne And Lew Kenah

Go the Croc Cruiser!


Finn Kenah


Anne Maree Cox

Good luck Aaron and Finn


Peter Rhodes

Good luck … hope it floats.