Boat Construction Rules

The entire boat must be built of cardboard and/or recyclable plastic containers.

Approved Materials

  • Cardboard, Cardboard blocks, Cardboard tubes

  • Liquid nails, glue, contact cement, rubber cement, silicone sealant

  • Paint (must be dry prior to racing)

  • Tape

  • Recyclable plastic bottles – maximum size 3 litres

  • Decorations as long as they don’t affect buoyancy of boat

About the cardboard:

  • You may use cardboard boxes, cardboard blocks, corrugated cardboard, and cardboard tubes. Cardboard can be of any thickness

  • Resin or wax-type coating on the cardboard is not permitted.

About the recyclable plastic bottles:

  • Recyclable plastic bottles shall be polypropylene plastic and need to have the recycling symbol.
    Polypropylene plastic( PP) is commonly used to make milk containers, water bottles and juice bottles.

  • The maximum size plastic bottle that can be used is 3 litres.

  • Plastic recyclable bottles may be taped or glued together.

    About your boat design:

  • Design is the builder’s choice. Let your imagination reign supreme!!

  • The “cabin” of the boat (where the crew sits) may not be enclosed above shoulder height, so as not to interfere with escape.

  • Cardboard hulls may be painted with any “one-part” paint.

  • Cardboard joints and seams may be glued and/or taped.

  • Duct tape, contact cement, rubber cement, silicone sealant, or construction adhesive may be used.

  • Decorations may be made from any material so long as they are not used to reinforce the actual structure of the boat.

What is not permitted:

  • epoxy glues, fibreglass resins, “multi-part” varnishes, boats “wrapped” in plastic.

  • tar-based substances like roof coatings eg Flexseal.

  • wood or metal.

  • styrofoam.

  • rubber inflation devices or other non-approved materials that would aid in flotation or make the hull rigid. This applies to the keel, transom, ribs, hull, etc.

  • sandbags or similar materials used as ballast.

  • staples, nails, metal or wood fasteners.

  • water-soluble glues or paints.

  • sharp objects on board.

About your boat crew:

  • The maximum number of paddlers in each boat is 6.

  • Enclosed shoes must be worn by participants at all times.

  • All paddlers are encouraged to dress in the theme of their boat. Get creative. Remember there is a special award for best-themed boat and crew.

  • All persons in a boat must be wearing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD/Life Jacket) before they begin the race. 

Event Rules

Before Race Day 

  • The captain and each crew member are required to agree to the Terms and Conditions ( General Release and Indemnity)  as part of the registration process.  

  • Paddlers under the age of 18 must have their parent or legal guardian agree to the Terms and Conditions ( General Release and Indemnity) as part of the registration process.  

On Race Day 

  • Regatta Scrutineers will inspect each boat prior to racing and have the final say on whether a boat has satisfied the intent of the rules.

  • Boats will be disqualified if they don’t satisfy the boat construction rules.

  • Prior to the races, boats will be judged for particular prize categories.

  • During the races, each event will be timed, and awards given for winners in the race categories. 

Race Day Rules 

  • All boats must be paddled in at least one race to be eligible for any award.

  • All entrants must ensure that their portion of the Scrutineering Area has been cleaned prior to moving to the Start Line to begin their race.

  • To qualify as a finisher in any race, you must be IN your boat when it reaches the shore, not towing it with your hands.

  • The race length will be approximately 75m in the water including wading distance, and the crew will be required to navigate around marker buoys.

  • Crews will start the race at the beach area and teams are allowed to get all the help they need in launching off. There is no limit to the number of helpers.

  • You must remove your boat from the water immediately after the race.

  • At the end of the event, all boats must be either removed from the event space or cut apart and placed in recycling bin containers provided at the event.

  • Participants are expected to maintain the decorum and dignity expected of a yachtsman.

  • Clubs or organisations may have multiple teams paddling the same boat in any event/category.

Note: Rules are subject to change. The Organiser’s decision on rule changes is final.

The Recycle Regatta is working towards improving the lives of our young people